All You Need to Know About LED Lighting
Businesses and homeowners enjoy the many benefits of using LED or light emitting diode as compared to other conventional lighting options. Businesses use it for electronic billboards, neon signs, electronic advertising and different lighting fixtures in the building and offices. While homeowners use LEDs in almost all part of their home and also LED Christmas lights and decors. Another great thing is, LEDs can help you do your part in saving the environment. So, whether you are running a business, keeping your home happy, bright or helping save the environment, here’s what you need to know about this lighting innovation.
Businesses and Homeowners Benefit From Using LED
People have used conventional lighting like incandescent and fluorescent for a good number of years but they also endured high electric bills all through those years. So, use LED to save money and time and reap the benefits like:
Energy Efficiency. To power up an incandescent bulb, you need at least 98% of electric power but using LED will save you as much energy. Even reports of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency showsthat powering up a single 7 watts incandescent bulb is equivalent to powering up 140 LED light bulbs; using LED lowers down your energy consumption.
Cooler and Safer. Conventional lighting bulbs generate heat and in fact, incandescent converts 98% of its energy into heat. This makes incandescent and other conventional options hot-to-the-touch exposing you to hand burning and worst, accidental house fires because of overheated conventional light.
LED lighting, on the other hand, does not burn out, so it doesn’t overheat. LED lights intended for outdoor use were subjected to strict weather test making it resistant to heat, cold and shock.
Durable and Last Longer.LED light bulbs do not have filaments or tubes that can easily break unlike incandescent bulbs. LED also has a longer life span to brighten up your home and offices. A single LED bulb can last as much as 11 years or around 100,000 hours of use. Conventional bulbs only last for a few months—incandescent is good for about1,000 hours andCFLs for about 10,000 hours.
More so, other bulbs use easy-to-break glass or tubes but LED bulbs are durable. Itwill notbreak easily if accidentally dropped or jostled.
Help the Environment by Using LED Lights
LED lights use less electricity that could lower down carbon emissions. LED lights also does not contain any mercury and does not emit ultraviolet lights and infra red. So, when you are cooped in the office for a good number of hours, exposing yourself to conventional lighting will cause harm to your health and environment unlike if you use LED lights.
So, even though LEDs are higher priced as compared to other lighting options, its benefits make your money worth. In fact, using LED is saving money, energy and the trouble of risking your life and home from the dangers of